Fick reda på vart jag ska bo och vem jag ska dela rum med när jag pluggar i USA idag! Det enda jag fått veta just nu är egentligen att jag kommer att bo i det västra tornet av något som kallas "Twin towers" och att min roommate heter Megan, men ändå!
Marshall University's beskrivning av Twin Towers: Fifteen-story student residence with a capacity of approximately 1000 students.The East tower is occupied by men, and the West one is occupied by women. These towers offers a large lobby, weight room, computer room. A cafeteria, which connects both towers is located on the first floor. Named Twin towers for its almost total similarity.
Vänta nu, innebär det här att jag ska bo i ett höghus med 500 tjejer? No way! The horror...
Känns hur kul som helst i allafall att jag äntligen har fått veta vem som kommer bli min roommate. Ska försöka maila henne och se om hon svarar, vill ju veta vem hon är!
Vänta nu, innebär det här att jag ska bo i ett höghus med 500 tjejer? No way! The horror...
Känns hur kul som helst i allafall att jag äntligen har fått veta vem som kommer bli min roommate. Ska försöka maila henne och se om hon svarar, vill ju veta vem hon är!
Found out today where I will live and who I will be living with when I'm studying in the U.S.! The only thing I know right now really is that I will be living in the west tower of something called "Twin Towers" and that my roommate's name is Megan, but anyway!
Marshall University's description of the Twin Towers: Fifteen-story student residence with a capacity of approximately 1000 students.The East tower is occupied by men, and the West one is occupied by women. These towers offers a large lobby, weight room, computer room. A cafeteria, which connects both towers is located on the first floor. Named Twin towers for its almost total similarity.
Wait, does this mean that I will live in an apartment building with 500 girls? No way! The horror ...
Feels great anyway that I finally know who will be my roommate. I Will try to email her and see if she responds, I want to know who she is!