Första uppgiften i Advanced Digital Media! "Youtube appropriation" var uppgiften och innebar att vi skulle skapa något nytt med hjälp av redan publicerade videor och ljud på Youtube. Vi hade bara några dagar på oss så det var lite stressigt, därav resultatet. Satt i en datasal mellan kl.19 och 01.30 igår kväll/natt och gjorde det här så det blev en riktigt lång dag... Men var i allafall helt sinnesjukt kul att se alla andras videor under lektionen idag, skrattade så jag grät. Tror i stort sett 80% av klassen misslyckades lika radikalt som jag haha. Men tycker nog i allafall att jag fick fram det jag ville ha sagt, Mumintroll är läskiga!
My first assignment in the Advanced Digital Media! "Youtube Appropriation" was the assignment and meant that we could create something new with the help of already published videos and audio on Youtube. We only had a few days to do it so it was a bit stressful, hence the result. Sat in a computer room between 7pm and 1:30am yesterday and did this so it was a really long day... But it was so funny to see everyone else's videos during class today, laughed so much that I almost cried. Think almost 80% of the class failed as radical as I did haha. But to me, I got what I wanted to say out there, Moomins are scary!
My first assignment in the Advanced Digital Media! "Youtube Appropriation" was the assignment and meant that we could create something new with the help of already published videos and audio on Youtube. We only had a few days to do it so it was a bit stressful, hence the result. Sat in a computer room between 7pm and 1:30am yesterday and did this so it was a really long day... But it was so funny to see everyone else's videos during class today, laughed so much that I almost cried. Think almost 80% of the class failed as radical as I did haha. But to me, I got what I wanted to say out there, Moomins are scary!
Hahaha... Mumin e ju jätte snäll ;)