Under fredagen så var det äntligen dags för shopping! Åkte till Huntingtons köpcenter om ligger ungefär 40 min från Campus med buss. Efter att ha fått en hel del negativa kommentarer från studenter vi hade frågat om köpcentret så hade vi inte speciellt höga förhoppningar när vi åkte dit. Jag vet allvarligt inte vad alla pratar om, köpcentret var ju helt awesome! Massvis med bra och roliga affärer, med allt från billiga kläder till dyrare kläder. Vi var bara där i 2 timmar så hann inte med så mycket, men jag köpte i allafall en klänning och en topp för sammanlagt ca. 350 kr. Vi ska dit igen på måndag för då är det Labor day, vilket betyder att köpcentret har öppet och har rea hela dagen. Dessutom så åker studenter gratis buss hela september, hur bra som helst!
On Friday it was finally time for some shopping! Went to the Huntington Mall about 40 minutes from campus by bus. After receiving a lot of negative comments from students about the mall we didn't really have any high expectations.. I seriously don't know what they were talking about, the mall was totally awesome! Lots of good and nice stores with everything from cheap clothes to more expensive stuff. We were only there for 2 hours so didn't have the chance to get that much, but I at least bought a dress and a top for 50 dollars together.. We will probably go there again on Monday when it's Labor day, which means that the mall is open and has a crazy sale all day. In addition, students get to take the bus for free throughout the month of september which is awesome!
On Friday it was finally time for some shopping! Went to the Huntington Mall about 40 minutes from campus by bus. After receiving a lot of negative comments from students about the mall we didn't really have any high expectations.. I seriously don't know what they were talking about, the mall was totally awesome! Lots of good and nice stores with everything from cheap clothes to more expensive stuff. We were only there for 2 hours so didn't have the chance to get that much, but I at least bought a dress and a top for 50 dollars together.. We will probably go there again on Monday when it's Labor day, which means that the mall is open and has a crazy sale all day. In addition, students get to take the bus for free throughout the month of september which is awesome!